The global pandemic we experienced has changed the way we live and use our homes.
How do you future proof your home ahead of global events and future market demands? What type of homes will many homeowners desire five or ten years from now?
Here are 5 ways you can future proof your home.
We call this concept SMALL; Smart, Millennial, Adaptable, Livable and Low Energy Consumption.
Feature #1 – S for Smart
Integrate technology into your home’s function. Smart home functions allow automation to save time and provide convenience and peace of mind.
Feature #2 – M for Millennial
Integrate home features to adapt to future living, responding to the 21st-century homeowner’s challenges. Include features such as the use of natural material, compact footprint and indoor and outdoor space to promote health and wellness living.
Feature #3 – A for Adaptable
Include features of the home that can adapt to different phases of your life. Features such as flexible and multipurpose space, income generation potential and multigenerational living.
Feature #4 – L for Livable
Create a home that is safe, comfortable, and easily accessible when you go through different phases of your life. Features that will help you as you grow old in your home, have young children, or have a temporary injury.
Feature #5 – L for Low Energy Consumption
Create a home that is energy efficient and less expensive to run. Include key components such as passive design principle, high energy rating and air tightness.
Which of the SMALL features would you adopt for your home design?
Take stock of where you are currently in your life phases and where you will be in the next 5-10 years. Picture the life you want to live and the home you will need.
We love to help you gain clarity on your Future Home Design Roadmap.
Book your personalised 45 mins FREE consultation.
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