Design Your Home to Last for Decades

The book that teaches you how to design a future-proof home that adapts to different phases of your life. 

Design Your Home Book

A Home that Grows & Moulds With You

Every Corner Built for Long-Term Memories & Legacies

A Safe Haven that Adapts to
All Seasons of Life

Without any renovation or remodeling, will you feel 100% comfortable and content living in the same home in 20 years?

Let’s face it. Life changes, but your home and the location doesn’t have to be – once it’s designed to be a Future Home.

Most people are never able to stay put in the same home. It’s easy to think that various season of life requires a different dwellings – a 2 bedroom apartment when you’re single or newly married; a big suburban establishment when children come into the picture; then a modern version of that big house when your career advances; and back to the small unit when you finally become a empty-nester heading into retirement…

All this time, energy and money stressing over upgrading, remodelling, moving and downsizing…
Is it really worth it?

What if there is a way to create a home that is future-proof, a truly adaptable home for the different seasons of your life, no matter whatever life throws at you?

In Future Home Design, let’s rethink and be smart about your home, and design it to eliminate these problems once-and-for-all:

Hi, I am Farinah Husodo, author and Practising Architect from Melbourne, Australia.

My wish is for every homeowner to be able to enjoy the dream home that they love to live in. A home that fits like a glove and you can build your life in throughout the different phases of life. Somewhere you can create memories over the years and leave to your next generation.

My architecture principle is to create simple, beautiful spaces, functioning to its original design intent for the joy of its users. I believe we can enjoy both beauty and function in our homes, just as nature around us blends these two elements. Beauty and function should be timeless, adaptable and pleasurable elements used to create our future home.

Farinah Husodo Signature

The 3 main parts of this book will help you avoid putting up with an uncomfortable, unhealthy and badly planned home


Understand Your Future Home

Learn the 5 SMALL key features of a successful future home that will meet your current and life’s ever-changing needs.


Avoid “Trendy” Design Pitfalls

Discover Industry secrets that trap homeowners, turning their dreams into nightmares.


Find the to Right Architect to Realise Your Vision

Be informed, learn who to trust and how to give them the right brief for the right results.

Design Your Home Book

In this book you’ll find out:

Does the world really need another book on home design?

Everyone deserves a safe and restful place they can call home. That doesn’t mean you need to be uprooted from where you are planted, just because your life changes.

Home is a vital need for every human, not just as a shelter or a building to protect us from the weather. It is a collection of meanings where we keep our memories and build our history, lives and legacy.

One thing that remains the same all over the world: a home is at the heart of everyone’s deepest longing and desire.

What set me on this journey was hearing stories during my time as a volunteer involved with rebuilding Aceh, Indonesia, after the tsunami, and back here in Australia, about the need for a lasting place to call your own. And how stressful and expensive it can be to move because your home is not designed for your current and future needs.

As an architect in the 21st century, I wrote this book to help homeowners get reliable information and advice that enables them fulfil their dreams of living in a healthy, comfortable home that they can enjoy with their family, friends and even pass on the legacy to their next generations.

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What people are saying about the Future Home Design Book

Build a home to house long-term memories and leave a legacy.

I look forward to journeying with you in planning your Future Home Design.

Farinah Husodo
2021 © Studio M514 All rights reserved
Design Your Home Book

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Before you design your next home. Read This

5 Signs That your home is Not Future ready