We live in a world that constantly changes at a rapid rate. How has your life affected the way you live in your home? Is your home future ready for 21st-century living?
Here are 5 signs that your home is not future ready
Sign #1
Your home doesn’t integrate technology and automation for time-saving and convenience.
Sign #2
Your home doesn’t allow for future living features to overcome the high cost of land and construction.
Sign #3
Your home doesn’t adapt to different phases of your life—you have to move from your single home to a couple home, to a young family home, to a growing family home, to an empty nester home and a downsizer home.
Sign #4
Your home doesn’t accommodate features that allow you to grow old in your home gracefully—a home that is safe, comfortable and easy to maintain.
Sign #5
Your home doesn’t have features that keep you warm in winter and cool in summer without paying an exorbitant energy bill.
Which of the 5 signs show that your home is not future ready? Would you like to future-proof your home?
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